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Showing posts from October, 2017

Short Story: Catcalls and Catharsis by Andre Izaaks

'Here she comes, guys!' Someone screamed from the other side of the construction site. And, like hungry rats after a tasty morsel, they scurried over to where their mate gesticulated, suggestively. Their daily dose of amusement had arrived. Casually, she made her way through the temporary wooden structure erected on the pavement as thoroughfare for pedestrians while construction on the new shopping-centre was ongoing. As it had become something of a habit by then, Jerry Jacobs led the small procession of men. Among this gang on the construction site, he boasted the most lurid and vulgar vocabulary with the concomitant temerity to direct it at others, also. To the delight of his colleagues, he let rip with a blend of colourful pick-up lines, repugnant references to the female anatomy and all things obscene he could think of. Inspired, his colleagues in turn shouted a variety of abuses of their own, wolf-whistled, then roared with delight and self-induced exuberance.