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Showing posts from February, 2017

Die Boemelaar deur Johan J. Beyers

Die man skuifel verder terug op die sypaadjie en probeer skuil tussen die laag-hangende takke vol blare van 'n groot boom. Hy wil na die musiek luister sonder om die ander mense te pla of om te krap. Nie dat daar eintlik veel van 'n skare is nie. Die mense wat wel daar is, staan al klaar redelik v ê r van hom af. 'n Lywige vrou in 'n rooi blommetjiesrok het hom juis netnou 'n verdoemende kyk oor haar ronde neus gegee. ''Mama, hoekom stink die oom so?'' ''Dis omdat hy te sleg is om te werk en te lui is om te was. Kom, my kind, kom ons staan liewer daardie kant toe.'' Hy verstaan goed hoekom mense so teenoor hom optree. Hy het dit self ook in die verlede gedoen want 'n boemelaar se klere en 'n boemelaar se lyf kom nie so gereeld by water en seep uit nie. Dis nie dat hy nie wil nie - hy het net nie gereelde toegang tot sulke geriewe nie. Die heilsle ër se orkes het lanklaas hier opgetree maar dis altyd lekker vir hom om

Broken by Hanna Ali

I saw my future husband today at a petrol station seven miles from my house. He was filling up a 2007 Hyundai sedan his wife was embarrassed about. Which makes him hold on to it even more. He doesn’t know it yet, but when he goes home tonight and opens the door to the smell of a house that suffocates him, he will enter the bed with his cold toes first and try to grope at his wife for affection or attention (it no longer matters which one). She will shriek much louder than she had expected and blurt out that she no longer wants him. The toddler next door will stir in its bed and ask to be taken to the bathroom. The baby in her womb releasing nausea into the air. He will then put the same sweat-filled socks back on, get dressed and head down the hallway. He will look back at the sitting room one last time as the man of the house. This is what his father must have looked like (he was the little toddler in the bathroom then, being taught how to pee like a man by his mothe

Horror: The Astonishing Career of the Zombie

It used to be that one could only be zombified if one were to die and was unfortunate enough to have one's recently interred corpse re-animated by the invocation of spells and magic. It used to be that only shamans, sorcerers and witch doctors possessed the disturbing powers to create zombies. Those days are long gone. Zombie-lore is unbelievably popular these days due, in large part, to its appearance in books in the horror genre of fiction, graphic novels, Japanese anime , comics and its adoption (and adaptation) by producers of horror films in Hollywood. You'd be hard pressed these days to find a Namibian who hasn't heard of zombies. A couple of years ago, the term became so popular in Namibian political discourse and was bandied about so indiscriminately and with such license, most people are confused to this day a few years later, about whether or not all, or just some Namibians are zombies, and what's the precise definition of a zombie in politics. Zombies